美容师实用销售话术大全!Beautician practical sales of Daquan!


Words: The tactics and art of speaking, using the most accurate and refined words to answer rejections and achieve a marketing method of sales.


As a novice beautician, in addition to learning how to learn from the older generation, you have to learn a set of eloquence to deal with customers. As the name suggests, it is to sell words, understand the needs of customers, and serve them in time so that you can promote products.


The following is the most practical beautician sales manuscript, the novice beautician on the road is worth a look.


1. I won't listen to you selling products?


Sales speech: Sister, I am not doing sales, I am teaching you the knowledge of skin care and beauty, the correct way of care. I hope to guide you through a good lifestyle. In this sense, sister, I hope you treat me as your private beauty consultant, not a general salesperson. My mobile phone is open 24 hours a day, the number is too much, I hope to help you in your beauty.


2. I don't have time, very busy?


Sales speech: Great! I like to work with busy people. They are often very capable. Of course, they know how to use our time effectively. Sister, if you don't pay attention to the maintenance of your skin, you will be able to spend more time in this area. In addition, irregular life, excessive spelling will lead to skin black and yellow, aging, pigmentation, if not timely use of effective products, leading to serious consequences of skin problems. Strong women must have a good body and a good face. If you agree, I will help you arrange the time. By making an appointment, you will spend the least amount of time to care for your skin, ok?


3. Beauty is a lie, is it making people save money?


Sales speech: I don't know if you have done beauty or know your beauty, beauty is a landscaping, beauty is a taste of life. Sister, you said why you want to make up, makeup is a kind of social etiquette, a respect for colleagues and friends. Similarly, you may be guided by the newspaper media, but you should know that these news are very like to exaggerate the truth, and sometimes even fabricated from nothing, out of nothing. For example, the Beijing paper bun incident, to watch the news, to have their own views, not to be around, the simplest thing, Hong Kong star which is not beauty, many books, the beauty of the king's book is the best in the country. Sister, just like being hungry to eat, the car needs maintenance, the skin needs nutrition and eating. If it is really a lie, it is not China’s biggest lie, and tens of millions of women are doing beauty.


4. I still have something to do today, just do a free one?


Sales speech: Sister, do not see the effect once, now is the most common and basic care, free care is just nourishing. The base of your skin is very good, but you still have some acne on your face. To remove facial defects, you must do more treatments. Women need to love themselves and overweight themselves, and they can't give themselves free. In addition, sister, only paying money, can become our real customers, beauticians can do their best, they also rely on performance to live, it is very difficult to do, you say yes?


5. I don't have money?


Sales speech: I can understand your feelings, especially with regard to the money. I found that our basic maintenance care costs less than one pack per day (10 yuan / day, 3650 yuan per year), women can not make money To live, to live for beauty. Money is to create wealth, but to create value, otherwise, money is in the bank, people are in heaven.


6. Didn't bring money today, let's talk about it later?


Selling words: It doesn't matter if you don't bring money. I just tell you that today is our special day, the national unified promotion, and also give you a beauty card. Introducing the product is just one of our work. I just give you some advice. Anyway, after this village, there is no such store. Can you pay the deposit? Do you have a card? There is a bank nearby, we can also go to your home. Only when you get a discount today, can you save money, can you save XX money (help accounting), can you have so much interest in the bank? Anyway, you will be doing beauty, you should act, I know, this money is for you. The person is small.


7. Is there any effect?

销售话术:姐我保证一定有效,还有你要配合,按我们教拟订放法肯定有效,没有效我们就不会介绍给你,再说我们还希望你用以后给我们介绍更多的朋友呢,一分耕耘一分收获,何况生意不是一次两次,要做信用,我如果真的推销,大可以介绍贵的 产品给你,现介绍的产品完全能解决好你的问题,而且价格也不贵,我们有信息难道你没有信心吗。

Sales speech: Sister I promise to be effective, and you have to cooperate. According to our teaching, we will definitely be effective. If it is not effective, we will not introduce it to you. Besides, we hope that you will introduce more friends to us later. If you don't work twice, you have to do credit twice. If you really sell it, you can introduce your product to you. The products introduced can solve your problem completely, and the price is not good. Expensive, we have information, do you have no confidence?


8, I don't need good skin now.


Selling words: Just because your skin is good, you need maintenance. It is difficult to wait until your skin has problems. Yes, your skin is really good, but as the seasonal climate changes, your skin will change, so your skin will change. Like your temperament lady pays more attention to maintenance, your skin is really delicate, smooth but fine lines, 30-year-old skin is given by parents, the skin after 30 years old is their own, so you must take your own Maintenance when young.


9, I am doing it at home now.


Sales speech: This shows that you have the beauty needs and awareness, but at home you can't reach the professional beauty salon effect. We have professional qualified beauticians and beauty experts, and cooperate with professional techniques and instruments. According to the standard treatment plan, the effect is that you can't do it at home. When we do the card, we are teaching you a set of techniques at home. Isn't it better to combine them?


10. I am using "world famous brand", I don't believe you?


Sales speech: Great, you are using a big international brand, I have heard of this product, it is really good, this is the reason I especially want to find you, because a product will appear if it is used for a long time. Saturated, just like we often eat, sometimes we have to change the taste, adjust the diet structure, may be more scientific and comprehensive. The eating habits on the mountain can be changed to eat in the sea. We are the most advanced biochemical skin care products. You can give yourself a chance to try, because there is one sentence: it is the most suitable for yourself. Ok.


11, I have used a lot of no effect?


Selling words: Sister, your product is just used a few times, and the care does not insist on doing it. This is unscientific and unreasonable. There is also a process of taking medicine to treat diseases, and it is possible to remove the medicine until it is sick. Then the palliative is not a cure. This is a universal law and scientific common sense, and it is not transferred by human will. Sister, you can only make an effect if you insist on it. If you can't do it, if you don't have the effect, we can't give you after-sales service. What do you say?


12. How about the product, I have never heard of it?


Sales speech: Sister, you are a very rigorous and rational person. I don’t think anything is useful. You only know it after you experience it. The facts speak louder than words. Whoever says it doesn’t count, the skin says it before you say it. Count. You see this fashion magazine, I have enjoyed more than 40 years of history in the world, and the development momentum is rapid, and it is sold to more than 80 international companies and hundreds of millions of consumers. Bacon once said that existence is reasonable. Self-confident, confident woman is the most beautiful, I am super confident in our products, I believe that I can help you.


13. Open a card, but I can't take time to care every day?


Selling Words: We are not letting you come every day, you can take out four times a month, and the time is free to arrange. After you have done the card, you have your own beautician. Her only job is to remind you to do beauty on time, to regularly give care to your skin and to explain the skin care. When you don’t come, she will call You come here (the tone should be firm, you can't use neutral language), and the time is that the water in the sponge will be squeezed. If you are busy, you can squeeze out a little time. Beauty takes time to care.


14, my skin is hereditary


Sales speech: Yes, congenital conditions are important, but the day after tomorrow does not pay attention to maintenance, regulation is not worse, is it genetic to leave it on the face without treatment, it will become more and more serious, I dare not say cure But at least it can be said to fade, can't see it, are you willing to let the spot remain on your face?

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